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Somerset Women's County Indoor Bowling Association

Somerset Women's County Indoor Bowling Association News story

34th AGM Minutes

02 May 2024



Minutes of the 34th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held at North Petherton IBC on Saturday 27th April 2024 at 10:30am


Present                President: Mrs Val Welch

                              Hon Secretary: Mrs Kathy Warner

                              Hon Treasurer: Mrs Louise Dewey

                              Fixture & Competition Secretary: Mrs Glynne Jones


Club Delegates/members: B Colby (Selector), J Price (Bridgwater), A Midwinter (Clarrie Dunbar), J Branfield (Clevedon), D Fisher (Ilminster), J Murrell (Minehead), S Tassell (Nailsea), S Aylmer (North Petherton), J Broom (Puriton), P Dando (Purnell), F Hunt (Taunton), S Lloyd (Taunton Deane), M Freegard (Minehead), M Woodland (Ilminster), S Kennedy (Taunton Deane), L May (Taunton Deane).


President Val opened the meeting and welcomed everyone attending


Obituaries: President Val requested members to stand for a minutes silence in remembrance of those ladies who had passed away.


Apologies were received from: S Lawton, M Gozna, J Glendinning, S Matthews, A Thompson, H Mullett, J Andrews, S Allsworth, J Tibbs, J Jenkins, R Jones, P Bissett.


Minutes of the 33rd AGM – held at North Petherton on Saturday 20th May 2023 were accepted and signed as a true record by President Val. Proposed J Branfield, Seconded S Lloyd.


Matters Arising – None


President’s Address: President Val thanked everyone for their support this last year. We have managed to get through it. Thanks especially go to Louise, Kathy & Glynne.


Hon Secretary’s report: Firstly, a few traditional words of Thanks. I would like to thank our President, Val, for all the hard work she has put in over the last two years to keep us going. Thank you to Louise, our Treasurer, for doing a great job with the finances. Well done, Glynne, with the Competitions this year. All were completed on time. And, thanks to Jean for all the hard work with the uniform, especially with all the new players we have had this year.

Our season started with the President’s Day – an Open Day for all bowlers. More than fifty players turned up and had a great time. We have now welcomed more than twenty new players into our games.

We have played twelve matches this year and have won two. In the South West League we played Dorset and Cornwall. We won the first one against Cornwall and came a close second on the rest.

In the Atherley we were drawn against Dorset, again. We won an equal number of rinks but lost by 18.

In our County friendlies we travelled to both Hampshire and Wiltshire. We beat Hampshire by 3 and only lost to Wiltshire by 5. Our other 5 friendlies were played in good spirit and we hope to expand on these next year.

I would like to say well done to all who took part in our County competitions this year. Congratulations to the finalists. I had a great time watching the finals. Please encourage your other club members to consider taking part next year. There will be an additional Competition next year – the re-introduced Top Nine Knockout for the Rose Adlam Plate.

Well done to all Somerset ladies playing in the National competitions.

Peter Bisset’s report follows later but I would like to congratulate him and Gemma on doing a great job over this season and with, hopefully, more to come. Congratulations, too, go to the juniors and all they have achieved. It will be very interesting to watch their progress.

Finally, a big Thank You to all the committee and selectors, who have been very patient with me during my first year as secretary. Most importantly, a huge Thanks to all the players who continue to support our games, without you there would be no County team.


Treasurer’s Report: We have managed to make a profit of £419.31 this year. Match fees managed to make over £1K profit. Raffle £881. Badges – purchased more this year. £105.55 in interest on the remaining HSBC Business account, which we do not touch unless necessary. Coaches (for three games) cost £2330. In miscellaneous, we have just purchased more stickers as they had run out. The sum-up machine fees are 1.69% per transaction but it is much easier. In future there won’t be bank charges as we now hold the Lloyds account. Stock value is not showing on these accounts – but Jean does provide a detailed spreadsheet for the Officers.


Competition Secretary’s Report: It’s been quite a good year. We had 15 entries in the Double Rink, 20 Pairs and 16 Triples. There were three clubs with no entries. Pairs & Triples were entered by half the clubs. It would be nice to encourage new players to enter. Currently organised in a North/South split which does mean entries from the same club often play each other, but it does save on travel.

The Final was spread across two days due to one club being in all three finals and another in two. A temporary booking for the finals has been made at Taunton Deane for next year. Congratulations go to all the winners and to all the entrants.

The Top-Nine Rose Adlam Plate is being re-introduced next year.


Under 25s Manager’s report: At the October get together held at Taunton Deane we had 28 Juniors attend, ages ranging from 9 to 23.  Of those young bowlers 10 were girls.
During this season we played several friendly matches against adults in clubs from within the county and Devon juniors 4 times.
In the Under 18 Double Rink National Triples, we had a Squad of 8, 4 boys and 4 girls. The Under 18s qualified for Nottingham losing to a strong side in the Semi Finals.
The Under 25 Double Rink National Fours reached the area Finals losing to Kent, the eventual Winners.
Madison King has now represented England in the Under 18s, and was the runner up in the National Under 18 Singles held at Nottingham mid April.
Imogen Cracknell also represented England in the Under 25s held in Belfast.
I believe the future is very bright for our young Somerset players, who seem to be going from strength to strength, and it is a privilege to be involved with them.
Next season we hope to add Gloucester juniors to our fixtures list but Dorset and Wiltshire are struggling for juniors to make up a squad.
Gemma Broom has agreed to stay on as Assistant Manager with the Under 25s.


Election & Installation of Officers:

President – Vacant

Senior Vice President – Vacant

Junior Vice President – Vacant

Hon Secretary – K Warner – Proposed by S Bowden; Seconded by J Hutchings

Fixtures Secretary – G Jones – Proposed by J Humphries; Seconded by S Matthews

Hon treasurer – Vacant

Competition Secretary – G Jones – Proposed by J Humphries; Seconded by S Matthews

Under 25’s Manager – P Bissett – Proposed by K Warner; Seconded by V Welch

Child Safeguarding Officer – P Bissett – Proposed by K Warner; Seconded by V Welch

Safeguarding Officer – B Colby – Proposed by K Warner at the meeting

Officers named to be accepted en bloc – proposed by A Midwinter; Seconded by V Welch. Agreed by all.

K Warner to check if J Glendinning is happy to continue as Wardrobe & Welfare volunteer.


K Warner to produce a flyer to send to all Club Secretaries looking for candidates for Treasurer and President. Both Louise & Val happy to speak to anyone interested.

If unsatisfactory result, an EGM to be held on Thursday 7th June at 6:30pm at North Petherton IBC.


Election of Selectors:

J Price (Bridgwater) - Proposed by J Lewis; Seconded by N Edwards

B Colby (Yeovil) - Proposed by S Matthews; Seconded by J Humphries

D Fisher (Ilminster) – Name put forward at the meeting

Selectors named to be accepted en bloc – proposed by L Dewey; Seconded by K Warner. Agreed by all.

We will look to recruit further selectors during the season.



  1. Amendments to the Constitution recommended by the Committee
    1. Insertion of Fixtures Secretary into Constitution section 7 Administration section a.

    The Officers of the Association should be as follows:- President, Vice President, Junior Vice President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Competition Secretary (to serve as a non-voting member), all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and the Immediate Past President. The offices of President, Vice President and Junior Vice President shall each be held for one year

    1. Insert in Constitution section 7 Administration a new item g.

    A Safeguarding Officer (ex officio) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. They shall report to the Council as required

    Amendments to the Constitution were agreed by all.


  2. Proposition from U25’s Manager P Bissett

Would SWCIBA consider giving £100 at the start of next season to the Junior County section to help towards their costs.


Proposition agreed by all.



President Val closed the meeting at 11:15am