The Association shall be known as ‘The Somerset Women’s County Indoor Bowling Association’
The headquarters of the Association shall be Street Bowling Club
The object of the Association shall be to promote, foster and safeguard the level green game of Indoor Bowls for Ladies
- The Association shall be open to all bone-fide Ladies Indoor Bowling Clubs, whose greens are situated within the County boundaries of Somerset as at August 1990 and are affiliated to the EIBA Ltd
- Application for affiliation to this Association shall be made to the Hon. Secretary of the S.W.C.I.B.A. and shall be accompanied by a list of Officers and addresses and telephone numbers of both the secretary and the green
In the event of a breach of this Constitution, the Council shall have the absolute power to suspend or revoke membership as it may consider appropriate after a meeting at which both sides are represented
The Association shall be affiliated to the English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd
- The Officers of the Association should be as follows:-President, Vice President, Junior Vice President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary, Competition Secretary (to serve as a non-voting member), all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and the Immediate Past President. The offices of President, Vice President and Junior Vice President shall each be held for one year
- The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Council consisting of the Officers of the Association, together with one Delegate elected from each affiliated club
- The Council shall meet as often as the business of the Association requires, with a minimum of two meetings a year. Five members of the Council shall form a quorum
- There shall be an Emergency Committee consisting of the President, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer, which shall have the power to fill any vacancy arising among Officers or Committee during the year
- Payments and withdrawals on behalf of the Association shall be authorised by the Hon. Treasurer
- A Child Protection Officer (ex officio) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. They shall report to the Council as required
- A Safeguarding Officer (ex officio) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. They shall report to the Council as required
Each club will pay a registration fee upon joining the Association and an Annual subscription fee, both rates to be agreed at the Annual General Meeting for the forthcoming year. Non payment of fees shall normally result in forfeiture of all rights and at the absolute discretion of the Council a full re-application for membership of the Association may be required.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year in May or at a date agreed by the Officers and Delegates. Nominations and propositions shall be sent by clubs to the Hon. Secretary to be received not later than six weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Notice and Agenda for this meeting, together with a list of nominations and propositions to be sent to each affiliated club, no later than fourteen days prior to the Meeting. Voting shall be restricted to one delegate from each club, and the Eligible Officers of the Association, with the President having the additional casting vote.
The Hon. Secretary shall keep a record of all business transacted by the Association, Council and Emergency Committee, and shall prepare a report for the Annual General Meeting.
The Hon. Treasurer shall conduct the financial affairs of the Association and provide the Annual General Meeting with a precise account of Income and Expenditure together with an inspected Balance Sheet for the approval at the Annual General Meeting.
A Selection Committee consisting of five members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. The President and Secretary shall serve as non voting members of this committee. Four members shall form a quorum. No club shall have more than one elected member serving on the selection committee.
A special meeting shall be called at the request of the Emergency Committee or by written request from three or more affiliated clubs. A minimum of fourteen days notice shall be given.
Members of clubs affiliated to the Association shall be entitled to wear the County Lapel Badge. A player will be entitled to wear the embroidered badge after representing the County in four matches over two years against other affiliated Women’s County Associations. There will be no restriction on the number of games played by an unbadged player in any season, but only two games to count towards badge qualification
Alterations of or additions to any of the foregoing Rules shall be made only at the Annual General Meeting or at a special General Meeting convened for the purpose.
Amended April 2024