Somerset Women's County Indoor Bowling Association

Somerset Women's County Indoor Bowling Association News story

Council Meeting Minutes 7th January 2025

28 Jan 2025



Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 7th January 2025 at North Petherton IBC at 11:30am



Immediate Past President Mrs V Welch

Hon Secretary (Watchet) Mrs K Warner

Fixtures/Competition Secretary Mrs G Jones


J Price (Bridgwater/Selector), A Midwinter (Clarrie Dunbar), D Fisher (Ilminster), J Murrell (Minehead), S Tassell (Nailsea), J Broom (Puriton), B Colby (Yeovil), J Glendinning (Welfare/Wardrobe), M Freegard (Minehead).


Welcome. K Warner welcomed the members in attendance



G. Campbell (Hon Treasurer), P. Bissett (U25 Manager), J Tibbs (Bristol), J Branfield (Clevedon), J Andrews (N. Petherton), K Webb (Purnell), F Hunt (Taunton), S Lloyd (Taunton Deane), M Hamilton (SBA Development Manager)



Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at North Petherton IBC at 6:30pm were approved (proposed J Price, seconded A Midwinter) and then signed by J Price


Matters arising

One change to the Nailsea costs. S Tassell will do the food so the charge for all will be rink fee + £1.




Matt Hamilton proposed opening discussion on the SBA Proposal for a merger between SBA, SCIBA and SWCIBA. See below for details. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Matt was unable to attend the meeting. A discussion took place. The following points were raised.

  • Is this too big a jump

  • Potential to join with SCIBA

  • The two National bodies themselves voted against merging several years ago.

  • The issue with having two National Bodies with different rules.

  • What would happen to indoor only and outdoor only clubs

  • Indoor Ladies run differently to outdoor in that the delegates of each club are part of the organisation and can have their say. Outdoors is via representatives at region level.

  • Affiliation fees – who will pay what

  • Concerns with loss of identity

  • Could improve discussion with outdoor

  • Scope to discuss with SCIBA

  • The structure suggests more committee members needed and bigger workload

  • What about representation – would it be 50-50.

Overall, not in favour, but happy to keep discussions open with SBA


Discussion with SCIBA to be arranged Action KW – B Colby, J Price and J Murrell to assist.


Secretary's report


Presentation Luncheon. Batch Country House has been booked for Tuesday 6th May, 12:30 for 13:00. £27 pp. J Price offered to help. Invite M. Batchelor + 1 (SCIBA President)


AGM Date Saturday 26th April 2025 at 10:30am, North Petherton. All delegates to reach out to players to consider taking on positions. K Warner to check with current incumbents. J Glendinning requested a revamp of the nomination form.

Fixture Secretary's report


An additional fixture vs U25 & Patrons has been arranged on Saturday 15th February at Taunton Deane. This is on the website.


Treasurer's report


Report received via email but not seen until after the meeting. See below


Action GC to arrange payment of £100 to PB regarding the Juniors, as agreed at the AGM.

PB has agreed that the payment can happen at the beginning of the indoor season. We will arrange a meet up with PB to get the payment details nearer the time. Action C/f to 15th Feb


Competition Secretary's report


Entries Pairs 20, Triples 18.


Top Nine – Clarrie Dunbar playing Purnell on 18th January.

Double rink – Ilminster have had no dates provided by Victoria WSM. Ilminster to give Victoria WSM two dates – they must take one or default.


Trophies to be returned to G Jones as soon as possible.




S Tassell raised the question of whether we could get more friendly fixtures. In particular, other counties even if it is only 4-rinks (Gloucester, Worcester?). Maybe a mixed game too (SCIBA). Action GJ to pursue


J. Glendinning will order some more shirts


The next Council Meeting will be on Tuesday 25th March 2025 at 11:00am, venue North Petherton IBC


The meeting closed at 12:48am



Signed ….........................................


Date ….........................................





Treasurer's report


The main balance of the accounts is below. I am still working through the detailed income/expenses.


Starting Balance

Current Balance


Lloyds Charity Account




HSBC Business Account








Total Funds




Up To



The two invoices for kit have been paid, £100 deposit for the lunch at Batch House (6/5/25) and EIBA affiliation fee of £42.


Lloyds a/c.

Have received notification that as from 14 January 2025 our Treasurer's A /c will be changed to a Community A/c and will no longer be free.

1) There will be a monthly maintenance fee of £4.25 for day-to-day banking charges.

2) The first 100 per month D/D, Internet/Phonebank payments and Standing orders are free

3) All cash paid in, out or exchanged is chargeable.

4) Cheques paid in or out up to 50p per item.

5) BACS - payments 7p per item.

Please let me know if you would like me to see if I can find a free service with an alternative bank.


HSBC bank.

The interest rate on this account is 1.88%. I will see if I can find an account offering a higher rate.



Communication from Matt Hamilton


Somerset Bowling Association would like to propose an amalgamation and unification of Somerset Bowls Association with both the Somerset Men Indoor Bowls Association & Somerset Ladies Indoor Bowls Association.

This proposal is to discuss the Somerset Ladies Indoor County Bowling Association and the Somerset Bowling Association to discuss the potential amalgamation and including the Somerset Men’s Indoor County Indoor Bowling Association of the three bodies. The primary focus of the discussion was to create a more sustainable future for sport by merging into a single, cohesive organization. This unification would establish a structured and efficient model, enabling shared responsibilities across key positions and fostering growth and development opportunities.

The Somerset Mens Indoor Association have already agreed to move forward with more advanced discussions on this subject and we would hope you will be happy to engage in further discussions.


Key Discussion Points

  1. Rationale for Amalgamation

  • Sustainability: All associations are facing challenges in recruiting officers and maintaining operational stability under their current structures. By amalgamating, the combined body would ease the burden on individuals and ensure a stronger, more sustainable future for both indoor and outdoor bowling in Somerset.

  • Enhanced Structure: A unified association would promote a more comprehensive and efficient organizational structure, allowing for better coordination and management of the sport throughout the region.

  1. Proposed Organizational Structure

    • Board Positions: Key leadership roles would be established, with officers overseeing the main areas of responsibility:

      • Chair of the Board - General Secretary - Performance - Governance - Finance - Operations - Marketing & Development.

    • Sub-Committees under the Board to address specific aspects of the game:

      • Outdoor Bowls: Committee Chair - Competitions - Fixtures (Men’s & Ladies) - League Secretary

      • Indoor Bowls: - Committee Chair - Competitions - Fixtures (Men’s & Ladies) - League Secretary

    • Additional Committees:

      • Finance Committee: - Indoor Bowls Representative - Outdoor Bowls Representative

      • Marketing & Development: - Website - Coaching - Development Manager (Indoor & Outdoor) - Merchandise Manager - Commercial Manager

      • Governance: - Safeguarding - GDPR & Policies

      • Operations

    • This structure would enable broader involvement across a larger pool of individuals, reducing the workload and pressure on current office bearers.

  1. Benefits of Amalgamation:

    • Shared Workload: By combining resources and responsibilities across both indoor and outdoor bowls, recruiting and retaining officers becomes easier. A larger volunteer base would lead to improved sport administration and management.

    • Increased Opportunities: The new structure would offer more leadership and development roles, enhancing community engagement within the sport.

    • Securing Development: A unified approach ensures consistent support and development for both indoor and outdoor bowling, securing a prosperous future for sport in Somerset.


I hope this gives you some idea of the possible options and progression we can make moving forward . Looking forward to hearing your views and again happy to discuss and meet with your committee to discuss.

Kind Regards Matt Hamilton