Somerset Women's County Indoor Bowling Association

Somerset Women's County Indoor Bowling Association News story

Council Meeting Minutes 2nd October 2024

23 Oct 2024


Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd October at North Petherton IBC at 6:30pm


Hon Secretary (Watchet) Mrs K Warner

Hon Treasurer Mrs G Campbell

Fixtures/Competition Secretary Mrs G Jones

J Price (Bridgwater/Selector), A Midwinter (Clarrie Dunbar), J Branfield (Clevedon), D Fisher (Ilminster), S Tassell (Nailsea), F Hunt (Taunton), J Glendinning (Welfare/Wardrobe),

Welcome. K Warner welcomed the members in attendance


V Welch (Immediate Past President), J Murrell (Minehead), J Andrews (N. Petherton), J Broom (Puriton), S Lloyd (Taunton Deane), B Colby (Yeovil).


Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th July at North Petherton IBC at 6:30pm were approved and then signed by A Midwinter

Matters arising - None


EIBA International Trials. Sent out to all Clubs, some reported they do their own nominations. Individuals can apply. Previous players are automatically contacted.

Secretary's report

All agreed fixtures now on Website. Received a good response so far.

GDPR. It was discussed whether the GDPR forms are required now we have the online system. Action KW to research requirements. GDPR form created. Agreed to have one list rather than one per club. Form will be brought to each game for players to sign. Action Closed.

Presentation Luncheon. Agreed to contact Batch Country House for availability Action KW

Fixture Secretary's report

Carnmoggas. Agreed to review how many names were available by the next meeting in January, currently 13 online. Noted that ISCA and Plymouth both have 8 rinks.

Ilminster fixture has moved to 2nd February. Food is Pasties or Ploughmans. Agreed to Ploughmans.

North Petherton & Nailsea fixtures have moved to 2nd March.

Atherley confirmed as 11th January v Dorset.

Treasurer's report

£72 received for pairs/triples competitions so far.

£32.46 interest.

Sum Up now done. Still need to change contact details with the bank.

Charging for fixtures was discussed.

It was decided to charge £12 when there is one course, £14 for two courses

Ilminster game £5 as food is provided

Other 3-rink games where players are providing food. Ladies will pay appropriate Rink Fees and provide food/raffle. Men will pay appropriate Rink Fees + £1.

A Midwinter will sort the raffle for the Open Day.

Kit Costs. J Glendinning provided current cost price depending on numbers ordered. Currently have 22 shirts but it depends on sizes required. Agreed to charge £28 for any new shirts ordered as the price had gone up.

Action GC to arrange payment of £100 to PB regarding the Juniors, as agreed at the AGM.

PB has agreed that the payment can happen at the beginning of the indoor season. We will arrange a meet up with PB to get the payment details nearer the time. Action C/f

Competition Secretary's report

Currently have 8 entries for the Pairs and 6 entries for the Triples.

Play by dates for the Double Rink and Top Nine Adlam competitions were discussed as there had been complaints fitting these in because of National fixtures. It was agreed by the majority to change back to the original dates provided by G Jones to allow more flexibility. The dates are 12th January, 10th February and 3rd March.

If games have already been arranged and both teams are ok with the dates, then continue with the fixture. If there are issues with dates, then try to rearrange.

AOB - None

The next Council Meeting will be on Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 11:00am, venue North Petherton IBC

The meeting closed at 8:20pm