Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th July at North Petherton IBC at 6:30pm
Hon Secretary (Watchet) Mrs K Warner
Hon Treasurer Mrs G Campbell
Fixtures/Competition Secretary Mrs G Jones
J Price (Bridgwater/Selector), A Midwinter (Clarrie Dunbar), J Murrell (Minehead), S Tassell (Nailsea), J Broom (Puriton),
Welcome. K Warner welcomed the members in attendance
V Welch (Immediate Past President), D Fisher (Ilminster), S Lloyd (Taunton Deane), K Webb (Purnell), B Colby (Yeovil), J Glendinning (Welfare/Wardrobe), P Dando (Purnell), S Sinclair (St Andrews WSM), .
Received after the meeting J Branfield (Clevedon), J Andrews (N. Petherton)
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26th March at North Petherton IBC at 4:00pm were approved and then signed by A Midwinter
Matters arising
GDPR. It was discussed whether the GDPR forms are required now we have the online system. Action KW to research requirements.
We have GDPR for delegates, but we need something for officials who are non-delegates. There was supposed to be a Policy Statement, but this has not yet been found amongst the paperwork. A message will go out to all those on the database to check their data is up-to-date.
Correspondence – None received
Secretary's report
Rules and Constitution are now documented and on the website.
A few updates to the website need to be done before fixtures are entered.
All affiliation fees and club competition entries are in.
Treasurer's report
GC presented the Finance Report. Handover has been done with LD. GC has spreadsheet access and current account access. A few updates have still to be done (password, address etc). HSBC not yet done. Sum Up not yet done.
The Finance report shows the income for affiliation and competition fees and the charge for the engraving & plinth repair.
A minor cosmetic update to be done to the report for clarity.
Action LD (now GC) to add Assets to report (c/f).
Kit assets will be added manually to the Finance Report at each meeting.
Action GC to arrange payment of £100 to PB regarding the Juniors, as agreed at the AGM.
PB has agreed that the payment can happen at the beginning of the indoor season. We will arrange a meet up with PB to get the payment details nearer the time.
Fixture Secretary's report
League games have been sorted. Devon is no longer active. So, we have Dorset and Cornwall.
Action GJ to follow up with Cornwall regarding Carnmoggas (c/f).
Cornwall had already booked Carnmoggas for this season, even though we had complained. We have managed to move the date to later when weather may be better. Coach has been booked with Ridlers £795 (Taunton had same price but for a smaller coach). We have also requested that our away game the following year should occur at the beginning of the season.
Action KW to send out an email to gauge support for this away fixture. The risk is that the League will fold if we do not fulfil this fixture.
Presidents Open Day on 12th October
Wiltshire at Bristol on 5th November
Hampshire at Taunton Deane on 26th November
SCIBA at Taunton Deane on 1st December
Ilminster & ? on 15th December
We have Taunton Deane provisionally booked on 6th January but may need to release this.
Atherley may be 11th January if we start in second round (as per last few years). First round is 26th October.
Competition Secretary's report
Competition application forms have been sent out for the pairs & triples.
We have 16 entries for the double rink and 13 entries for the Top Nine Rose Adlam Plate. The draw for these will take place after the meeting.
Play by dates were discussed and altered to give longer between. Play by dates 16th December, 3rd February and 3rd March.
Finals dates 15th & 16th March.
AOB - None
The next Council Meeting will be on Wednesday 2nd October at 6:30pm, venue North Petherton
The meeting closed at 7:50pm