Somerset Women's County Indoor Bowling Association

Somerset Women's County Indoor Bowling Association News story

Some Good News!

20 May 2024


I hope you are all well and enjoying the outdoor weather (whether bowling or not).

As a follow up from the AGM, I am pleased to announce that we now have a Treasurer. 

Gill Campbell has kindly put her name forward and we are happy for her to take on this position.

We are still seeking a President, but, in the interim, we will call upon Past Presidents to help out as needed.

We also have an additional selector – Sue Tassell has put her name forward too.

Welcome Gill & Sue to the team.

What this means is that we will NOT be holding an EGM. So there is NO meeting on Thursday 6th June.

Looking forward to bowling with you in the winter season.

Kind Regards,

Kathy Warner 
Hon Secretary SWCIBA
07548 254516