Somerset Women's County Indoor Bowling Association

Somerset Women's County Indoor Bowling Association News story

Council Meeting Minutes 26th March 2024

12 Apr 2024



Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26th March at North Petherton IBC at 4:00pm



President Mrs V Welch

Hon Secretary (Watchet) Mrs K Warner

Hon Treasurer/Selector Mrs L Dewey

A Midwinter (Clarrie Dunbar/Selector), J Price (Bridgwater/Selector), J Branfield (Clevedon), D Fisher (Ilminster), J Murrell (Minehead), S Tassell (Nailsea), S Aylmer (North Petherton), J Broom (Puriton), P Dando (Purnell), F Hunt (Taunton), L Read (Taunton), K Warner (Watchet)

Welcome. President Val welcomed the members in attendance


J Tibbs (Bristol), S Sinclair (St Andrews WSM), S Matthews (Yeovil), G Jones (Fixtures/Competition Secretary), J Glendinning (Welfare/Wardrobe).

Received after the meeting B Colby (Selector)


Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 16th January at North Petherton IBC at 6:00pm were amended to include league to be under the Competition Secretary's remit. They were then agreed and signed by V Welch

Matters arising

GDPR. It was discussed whether the GDPR forms are required now we have the online system. Action KW to research requirements.

Correspondence – Wiltshire

K Warner read out the correspondence from Wiltshire & NWBC apologising about the delays to the game on 24th February. K Warner then read out her response.

Secretary's report

K Warner reported that all fixtures are now completed. Working on Luncheon and AGM.

Treasurer's report

New stickers are on order as we have nearly run out.

K Warner suggested competition finances be put together – e.g. rink fees, umpire for final, finalist awards.

It was discussed and agreed that for the pairs and triples the winners would receive £10 each and runner-up £5 each. For the Double Rink (which is paid for by the Clubs), the winners would get £20, runners-up £10, payable to the relevant clubs.

Action LD to add Assets to report (c/f).

Fixture Secretary's report

G Jones has a timetable where fixtures are being planned. Looking at additional clubs in the north for the 3-rink games. Hampshire to continue. Wiltshire (at home).

Action GJ to follow up with Cornwall regarding Carnmoggas (c/f)

Taunton School hire out their coach (with driver) so worth looking into this for the future Action GJ (c/f).

Competition Secretary's report

Double Rink: Winners – Clarrie Dunbar; Runners-up - Clevedon

Triples: Winners – Madi King, Imogen Cracknell, Stef Branfield (Clevedon); Runners-up – Sam Wall, Debbie Hawker, Kirsty Hembrow (Ilminster)

Pairs: Winners – Madi King, Imogen Cracknell (Clevedon); Runners-up – Debbie Hawker, Kirsty Hembrow (Ilminster)

Trophies are at the engravers. The Triples trophy requires an extra plinth.


Optika / Rose Adlam

The plate has plenty of room so agreed to use this. It was agreed to name this “Top Nine Knockout Trophy for the Rose Adlam Plate”.

The rules were reviewed and amendments noted. Action KW to amend document.



Quite a few clubs are interested but there are concerns regarding rink availability. Maybe we need to look at how next year's fixtures (National/County) are organised and see how this can be fitted in. Action KW to add as discussion item following the AGM.

Annual Luncheon

Order for the day has been done. Speeches were agreed. Alan & Eve Jenkins attending (SCIBA President). Currently about 29 attending, but forms still to come in.


Competition Rules

It was discussed whether Competition Rules were needed to be agreed at the AGM. It was agreed that the wording in the Constitution did not refer to competition rules, but to the guidelines.

The Competition Rules were discussed. The main changes are that each competition will be 18 ends / 3hrs 30 mins time limit excluding trial ends. When dates are offered, time should not be before 10am nor later than 6:30pm start. Neutral green “may” be used for travel over 50 miles. Remove limit on visits to the head.

Action KW to amend document (together with the Top Nine, above)



Insertion of Fixtures Secretary into Constitution section 7 Administration section a.

a. The Officers of the Association should be as follows:- President, Vice President, Junior Vice President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Competition Secretary (to serve as a non-voting member), all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and the Immediate Past President. The offices of President, Vice President and Junior Vice President shall each be held for one year

Proposition agreed to be put forward to AGM



Insert in Constitution section 7 Administration a new item g. as follows:

A Safeguarding Officer (ex officio) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. They shall report to the Council as required.

Proposition agreed to be put forward to AGM


P Bissett also asked if the Ladies would consider giving £100 at the start of next season, He is going to ask the men as well. The £5 collected from the Juniors before each game often doesn't cover the cost of the game, especially when an Umpire and food is involved.

Action KW to talk to P Bissett as this needs to be a Proposition to the AGM (c/f)

Date of AGM.

It was agreed to bring forward the date of the AGM to 27th April 2024 at 10:30am at North Petherton.

Later in the meeting it was noted that the proposition forms were due 30th April. It was agreed by the majority to keep this agreed date (2 voted against). Action KW to follow up with those not attending to advise and obtain nomination forms as soon as possible.

Review of the Year

V Welch reported that the year has had its ups and downs.

There's been a good number of new players.

Carnmoggas needs dealing with – Cornwall have played at Taunton Deane for their home fixture v Dorset.

Taunton Deane have done us proud, especially on the President's Days.

Thanks to Kathy and Louise for their hard work.


K Warner reported that there has been plenty of mistakes that will, hopefully, not be repeated next year. K Warner will meet with G Jones to review responsibilities as this had not been done before the season started.

K Warner asked the delegates to think about when meetings were scheduled (am/pm alternating?; same day/alternative?; potentially book for the whole season ahead).


D Fisher asked about the President's charity (RNLI) on the President's Day. In the past the President used to have a Lunch whereby moneys were collected for her chosen charity. This has been replaced in recent year's with the President's Day game, so it was decided to collect donations on that event.


The next Council Meeting will be agreed after the conclusion of the AGM

The meeting closed at 17:45pm